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June Chamber Luncheon

  • 11 Jun 2019
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • The Rock Church, 16891 146th St SE #145, Monroe, WA 98272


  • If you have prepurchased the Chamber Luncheon Pass for $170 please use this option. If you have a guest coming and would like us to use one of your passes for them add them to your registration otherwise they need to register on their own.
  • Monroe Chamber Member Price
  • If you would like to join but do not want to eat lunch please register here.
  • If you are not a Monroe Chamber member or your guest is not a Monroe Chamber member please select this type.
  • The Table Chair is responsible for introducing table mates to each other and ensure there is a vibrant conversation occurring before the program begins.

    You will also be responsible for breaking down the table and collecting name badges from table mates and returning them to Chamber staff.

    At every luncheon we will be passing out a survey and ask that Table Chairs help us get them filled out and returned to our staff.

    Table chairs must be comfortable initiating conversations with strangers, they must be outgoing and great listeners and comfortable on the microphone if the opportunity arises.

Join us June 11th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm for our Chamber Luncheon.

Bring your questions and don't hesitate to share your opinion! 

Join us to get a feel on how things are going with the Chamber and what we are up to so far and what's to come in the remaining half of the year. We will hear from the Executive Director, Chamber Board and Ambassadors about how things are going and how you can get involved.


  • 11:15 am    Registration begins
  • 11:30 am    Lunch line opens. Casual networking and engagement
  • 12:00 pm    Program starts and lunch line closed. Greetings, Pledge of Allegiance, Chamber Executive Director Report and guest introductions
  • 12:10 pm    Speaker introduced and given the floor
  • 12:45 pm    Business Shout-Outs
  • 12:55 pm    Special announcements and closing
  • 1:00 pm      Event ends

Fee: $16 for members   $20 nonmembers   $5 no lunch

Lunch cannot be purchased the day of the event. All lunches must be prepaid the Friday before the luncheon. No refunds on lunches if reservation cancelled after 12 pm the Friday before the luncheon. We incur the cost of the reservation once order is placed on Friday. 

Member Only Additional Benefits:
***Item Details***
--Rotating Ad--
Submit an ad that is ready to be displayed on the screens behind the stage during the luncheon in a high resolution image (jpg or png) it is best to . Email your jpg or png by 12 pm on the Friday before the luncheon to Janelle at

--Door Prize Donation--
Donate a Door Prize and get 2 minutes on the mic at the end of our announcements.


Monroe Chamber and Visitor Information Center here to provide you with the latest information on local businesses, events, promotions and things to do around Monroe.


Janelle Drews
Executive Director

Jana Peterson
Membership Manager



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