Community Engagement Opportunities
Business & Community Newsletter The Newsletter is released weekly to over 10,000 subscribers that include things to do, see and businesses to try in Monroe. Events highlighted are pulled from our website’s Calendar of Events. Articles are always welcome from members. The due date to submit your events and articles is the Thursday each week by 1 pm to Monroemarket@Choosemonroe.com Choose Monroe Visitor’s Guide Published semi-annually, this guide is packed with valuable information about Monroe to assist residents, tourists and guests enjoy all that Monroe has to offer from shopping to dining to outdoor adventures. Relocation Packet Program This program allows Chamber members to include their valuable business information in the Relocation packet that is mailed to individuals and businesses looking to relocate to Monroe or have moved to Monroe. Various levels of participation are available allowing for different types of promotion material, from business cards to brochures. Chamber Website The Chamber website is a resource of interactive information for our members including a member directory, community and Chamber calendars, Member to Member Discounts, job postings, and more. Put your business in the spotlight with a complimentary webpage on the Chamber’s website. The site receives visits from users looking for products and services in Monroe. Choose Monroe Website The Choose Monroe tourism website is a resource of information for our community and day trippers which features a member directory, community and event calendars, Member to Member Discounts, job postings, things to do and see in Monroe and more! Put your business in the spotlight with a complimentary webpage on the Choose Monroe website. The site receives visits from users looking for products and services in Monroe and averages over 4000+ views a month. Over 2 million a year. Visitor Information Center The information display is the main feature in the Chamber office. The Visitor Center hosts all chamber member information and is open Monday-Friday from 10am to 3pm. Many visitors come to the Visitor Information Center seeking information on local businesses we refer to, recreation sites, amenities and other local news information. Chamber Members are the only ones able to display their cards and brochures for free at the Visitor Center. The Mobile Visitor Info Center All Chamber members are allowed to provide business cards, brochures and other marketing material for our Special Event Information Table! We do many events a year where we display our "mobile" Monroe VIC! |
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